Child First Trust

Useful Links

Below you will find links to some web pages with example activities around team building, improving self-esteem, confidence, character development.

Back To School After Lockdown – Tips From An NHS Psychologist  

“Teen Body Image And Self-esteem – A Practical Guide For Parents” – 

This free guide includes valuable information such as:

  • Important teen body image and self-esteem topics, social media influences, and cyberbullying.
  • Advice for parents on how to talk to their teens about body image issues, setting a positive example, and looking out for warning signs of teen body dissatisfaction.
  • Tips and advice on diet, healthy sleep, hygiene, exercise, and mental well-being that helps contribute to developing positive body image.
  • Information for seeking professional help (if needed) and links to other trusted sources.

Kids Play and Create

A great website for parents and teachers that includes a number of activities designed to raise self-esteem.

Do to learn

Many students have a difficult time accurately labelling their own emotions and the emotions of others.  These activities and worksheets are designed to enhance perspective-taking skills and expand emotional vocabulary.  These materials can be used in classroom, small group, or one-to-one contexts.

Therapist aid

An informative website for counsellors, teachers and parents with lots of therapy worksheets, tools, and handouts to help improve mental health.

Young minds

A good website for parents to find information and help in improving their children’s self-esteem, there is also a help line for parent, carers and those in education who need further support.

Kid’s health

This is a really good website as its split into three areas, help for adults who are the supporters, children and teens. It gives advice on all topics emotionally and physically.

Dove self-esteem resource

This is a really fabulous resource to help engage young people about body image. It has good activities that challenge how we view our bodies and how the media affect views.

Kim’s counselling corner

This site has some really good ideas and activities to help improve self-esteem; it also has further links to other useful sites.

Activities and Games

This web site has activities and games for improving self-esteem, managing anger, team work and skills for coping.


The resources on this website are aimed at teaching assistants in schools. Examples of things covered on the course are Social skills, emotions, bereavement, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, counselling skills such as solution focused and friendship.

Family education

This website has confidence-boosting activities, tips, and expert advice on all different topics and issues that may arise with a child or teen.

Child development institute

This website has some very good hints and tips for parenting, teaching and supporting children with information, products and services related to child development, psychology, health, parenting, learning, media, entertainment, family activities.


Pintrest have lots of great ideas and activities for improving self-esteem, confidence, team work and building resilience.

Recreation therapy

This website has various therapeutic activities, programs, and protocols for self esteem.
Activities for children and teens.

This blog lists positive activities that are primarily low-cost or free and geared towards youth ages 6-18. Most activities are for individual youth (or a few friends) or can be implemented by adults guiding individual young people or small groups. The activities range from online educational activities, arts and crafts, to creative game ideas.


This website has character education lesson plans, activities, programs, resources for parents and teachers to help build character and support improving self-confidence, self-esteem and building resilience.

Kids Activities

This website offers various games and activities that encourage cooperation; show a fun way of looking at life; help stay in touch with feelings; explore ways of dealing with outside influences and increase trust and sense of kindness.

Doorway to self

This website has activities that are based on personal experiences that have improved the owner’s sense of self-worth, and methods that have worked for others. They are designed to help develop the mental, physical and emotional habits that support self-esteem.

Becky’s (Dragon’s) Guiding Resource Centre

This website has exercises and activities in group dynamics, team work and improving self-esteem.

The source for youth ministry

This site has very good team building games and activities.

Youth group games

Another website with lots of games aimed at improving team work, building relationships, building trust, opening up new friendships and helping kids feel more connected.

Venture team building

This website has sixty fun free team building activities that can improve teamwork, develop trust, and enhance problem solving skills and the best part is, the majority of these team challenges can be delivered anywhere, by anyone and with limited or no equipment.

Scholastic UK

Team building for Kids, on-your-feet games that build communication, trust, and academic skills.

Elementary Matters

Great ideas for teachers to use for team building activities.

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